Thursday, May 7, 2009

Take Ex, the new wonder drug

What would you think if I told you that the top scientists in the US are about to release a wonder drug that could rewind your biological clock by ten to fifteen years? In addition, this wonder drug was scientifically proven to increase your lifespan and make you look, feel and act at least ten years younger than you are today. To add even more excitement, there are absolutely no side effects.

How much would you be willing to pay for such a wonder drug? At what length would you go to in order to get your hands on it? Would you be willing to pay one hundred dollars per month? How about five hundred dollars per month? I would think most people would gladly pay dearly for this wonder drug. However, if you could not afford this drug, I would guess that you would be happy to work two, four or maybe even more hours per week to attain the money needed for this wonder drug. I have been told by many people in our community that “I would do anything or pay anything just so I would stop feeling so sick, tired and in pain”.

I am so amazed and excited about this I want to give you more of the details .The wonder drug that I am talking about would reduce your risk of contracting many chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, many forms of cancer, and Alzheimer’s Disease. It would also help reduce high blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. But wait! There are more benefits that include losing and managing your weight; increased cognitive function and alertness; improved quality of sleep; improved function of your immune system; reduction of anxiety and stress; an increased sense of well being; improved balance; increased muscle density and strength; improved heart and lung functioning; boosting of your stamina and endurance; development of stronger bones; reduce aches and pains; and a reduction of your risks of injuries. Wow, how incredible is this!

Okay, alright I have a confession to make. There is no wonder drug with all of these great benefits about to be released into the market. Don’t get upset because there is even better news. All of these amazing and wonderful benefits are available to you here and now. They can be yours by doing one simple thing, and that thing is exercise. Yes, exercise. What’s even better is that you do not have to do a crazy amount of exercise to achieve these benefits. And no, you do not need to exercise at a feverish pace either. What you will need to do is commit to doing a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise three to five days per week. Can you believe that anything that takes so little time can reward you with such enormous benefits?

Let me give you a little background on exercise. It just so happens that exercise is relatively new to the human species. Throughout human history people were active 8, 10 or even 15 hours per day. We were hunters, farmers, gatherers, and laborers. Over time our bodies have evolved as a result of this type of movement and we require this movement. We need to move to function at our best. Our body is a machine that is stimulated and recharged by movement. Here is an extreme situation to illustrate my point. Imagine wearing a cast for six to eight weeks. Once you remove the cast from, let’s say your arm, you would notice some very dramatic changes. You would see that the muscles have atrophied and have become much smaller, weaker and flabbier than before. Your bones would also get thin and more brittle. In addition, blood circulation would be diminished. You would lose some coordination and your elbow joint would become stiff. You would also be prone to aches and pains.

Clearly lack of movement, even for a relatively short period of time, can result in very dramatic changes. Now imagine if we reduced the use and movement in our body for years, even decades, what changes will occur. By adopting a sedentary lifestyle, as so many Americans are doing, we slowly and steadily lose our bodies vigor, vitality and resiliency. It’s never too soon to get started moving. What are you waiting for, now let’s go!


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