Monday, May 4, 2009

Progress, not Perfection

Hello everyone,

I love weekends but as we all know this can be the toughest part of the week to keep things going in the right direction. I want to remind all of you that progress will get you there, not perfection. If you have plans to go over your calorie goal you can always budget ahead of time. Try not to only think of this process as one day in isolation. Think about the entire week. If you know you are going out Saturday evening plan on cutting back a little a day or two before in order to “Budget” some calories.

Don’t forget to try and plan a little extra time when you go to the supermarket in order to read labels and compare to find the best calorie bargain.

Remember when you are eating out you do not have as much control as you can have when you prepare and eat at home. In a restaurant, you can have more control than you probably think but never as much as at home. If you are eating out do not feel foolish or embarrassed to ask for something different than what is on the menu. Most restaurants will allow you to modify your order. Such things as substituting a second veggie or a salad for a starch, get dressing on the side. If you are going for the potato, hold back on the extras, sour cream, butter, that is where the majority of calories come from.

Take the time to explore and experiment with cooking some new things this weekend. Cooking is such a great hobby. In these times when everyone is cutting back on spending cooking is a great way to have some fun prepare and eat a great meal and save some dough all at the same time. Go find a good cook book or go on line to find some great healthy recipes.

Have a great weekend and plan some fun time,


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