Friday, May 22, 2009

Fabulous Fat

When you start looking at nutrition and weight loss information you can become fat phobic. The good news is there is nothing to fear about fat as long as you have a handle on what is good fat and what is bad fat. Yes, fat is very calorie dense, packing more calories per gram than any other foods (9 calories per gram). But fat can also be some of the most healthy food products we eat. Eating the wrong fat can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease but eating the right fat can decrease these same risks. In addition, eating the wrong fats can increase insulin resistance and eating the right fats can decrease it. Not bad for something that most of us fear.

You need fat in your diet, it is an essential nutrient. The problem is, the typical American diet is just too high in fat. You should be getting 20 to 30% of your calories from fat. The average person is getting 50 to 60% of their calories from fat.

Here is a list of what you should be eating most often, more often and least often.

Choose these fats MOST OFTEN:
Olive oil, canola oil, nuts, nut oils, seeds, flaxseeds, fatty fish, avocados

Choose these fats MORE OFTEN:
Corn oil, soybean oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil

Choose these fats LEAST OFTEN:
Fatty red meats, butter, cream, full-fat cheese, whole milk, premium ice cream, solid shortening, solid margarine, lard, full fat mayonnaise, partially hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fat)

The worst fats are the trans fats (look for partially hydrogenated oils). These are found in solid margarine, vegetable shortening, and partially hydrogenated oils. You see these used in many deep fried foods, fast foods, and commercially baked products. Trans fat will increase your risk of heart disease faster than a rib eye steak.

Next in line for the worst are saturated fats. We mostly get these from animal products such as meat, butter, cheese, cream and milk. Whenever possible cut away the visible fat from your meat and choose lean cuts of meat. Lean cuts include any cut with the name “loin” such as sirloin, top loin, tenderloin, also eye of round, bottom round and round tip. Choose 90 to 95 lean ground beef, turkey, chicken and pork. Choose the lower fat versions of cheese, milk, yogurt and mayonnaise. If you cook with butter, try using olive oil instead, or reduce the butter and add some olive oil. Another strategy is to stop using butter on toast and replace it with peanut butter. You will reduce the amount of fat and increase the amount of protein. If you like cheeses on your salad or sandwich try a slice or chunks of avocado instead.

If you are not eating fish and shellfish, and I do not mean fried fish, you need to eat more. You should be eating fish at least once, better yet twice per week. Fish, especially oily fish such as salmon will give you heart healthy omega-3 fats that help to prevent heart disease and may improve insulin resistance.

So too summarize;
The good fats are:
1)Monounsaturated fats:
found in olive oil, canola oil, avocados, peanuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts and most other nuts.

2)Omega-3 fats:
found in fish, shellfish, canola oil, and faxseeds.

3)Polyunstarated fats:
found in corn, soybean and safflower oils.

The bad fats are:
1)Saturated fats:
found in animal products such as meat and dairy and some vegetable oils such as coconut and palm kernel oil.

2)Trans fats:
found in margarine, vegetable shortenings and partially hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Beef Up to Slim Down

If you know me you know I feel “strongly” about strength training (weight training) and its benefit for weight loss. If you have been primarily working out doing aerobic exercise for weight loss you may wonder “isn’t this good enough”? The answer is no, not really. Here is why. If you are overweight and you are trying to lose weight the primary goal is to create a calorie deficit. This simply means you take in fewer calories than you burn.

When we start to reduce our calories by diet alone we will of course lose weight. Add some aerobic exercise and we will increase our weight loss by causing a greater calorie deficit due to the added physical activity and calorie expenditure. Here is the catch. When we lose weight we lose fat. That’s what we want. Unfortunately, we also lose lean muscle tissue at the same time, which is not what we want. The most effective way to keep losing as much weight as possible is to lose as much fat as possible and maintain or add muscle tissue.

You may be wondering why does this occur? Now follow me closely on this idea. Let’s say I am 250 pounds. Every movement I make I am lifting and moving those 250 pounds. When I get out of a chair, it is similar to me doing a squat with a very heavy weight. Over time my muscles have actually gotten stronger and larger from the effort of moving around this large heavy weight, my body! When I start to lose weight my muscles will actually need to work less than when I was heavy and result in a net lose of muscle mass. It would be similar to going to the gym and working out with lighter and lighter weights.

Now, here is another interesting concept. Your muscles are the primary calorie burning tissue in your body. It burns calories 24 hours a day 7 days per week. It even burns calories even when you are sleeping. Think about this comparison. Imagine a large eight cylinder pickup truck sitting at a stop light just idling. Now compare this truck to a small little 4 cylinder car idling right next to it. Both vehicles are standing still just idling. Which vehicle is burning more gas just hanging out? You guessed it, the big truck. This is similar to the way your body works. If you have more muscle you will burn more calories just sitting and watching American Idol on TV or just sleeping.

The most effective way you can reduce muscle loss and gain more muscle is by strength training, also called weight training or weight lifting. When we have more muscle we rev up and speed up our metabolism resulting in more calories consumed. When I speak of strength training I do get some objections. Here are the most common ones I hear; Woman are often afraid if they strength train they will end up looking like a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger. That is just not going to happen. Woman will tone and tighten their muscles, not get large muscles. Women just do not have the correct biochemical makeup to get large muscles, I’m talking testosterone. We guys have more of it and you woman don’t have enough. Testosterone is what makes men get large muscles. Also, getting tone, maintaining or building some additional muscle will not take an enormous amount of time in the gym. All it takes is 20 to 40 minutes 2 to 3 times per week, that's it! Now let’s hit the gym and start lifting some weights!

No gym? No problem. There are plenty of exercises that you can do with just your body weight, so there goes that excuse. Push-ups, chin-ups, dips, single or double leg squats and lunges are very effective strength exercises. Other alternatives are to use exerbands, exertubes and TRX suspension systems. These are very effective, inexpensive and portable strength training devices. When I travel this is what I throw into my bag. If for nothing else it adds a few pounds to my bags!


Thursday, May 7, 2009

The weekend is coming, it's a great time to cook

Here we are again, almost at the weekend. As I hear it the weekends do pose some of the biggest obstacles to staying on track with watching your weight. I myself also have the same issue. I want you to think about doing some cooking. The weekend is a great time to explore the supermarket, your pantry and your kitchen.

If you do not have a good selection of spices and herbs, go get some. Here are some of my favs. I love some of the pre-made spice mixtures such as Montreal Steak seasoning (it’s not just for steak), Cajun or Creole seasoning, lemon pepper, curry powder just to name a few. I also just love garlic powder, cumin, chili powder, oregano, basal, thyme dill and of course salt and pepper.

Armed with a fry pan and some of these spices you can make up some quick and easy dishes. Here is one to try. Get your self some fish, can be salmon, tilapia or a chicken breast or thigh, brush on a light coat of canola oil and sprinkle on the spices of your choice. I would try a light coating of chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, thyme, salt and pepper. Heat up a sauté pan nice and hot on a medium-heat. Throw the fish or chicken in for a few minutes per side and “presto-chango” you will have some of the best tasting "vittles" you have had in a while. Now, try this using some salt pepper and curry powder. You get an entirly different flavor. Easy too. This works equally well on the BBQ.

Serve this with a salad on the side or just plop the fish or chicken right on top of a salad.

Have a great weekend,


Take Ex, the new wonder drug

What would you think if I told you that the top scientists in the US are about to release a wonder drug that could rewind your biological clock by ten to fifteen years? In addition, this wonder drug was scientifically proven to increase your lifespan and make you look, feel and act at least ten years younger than you are today. To add even more excitement, there are absolutely no side effects.

How much would you be willing to pay for such a wonder drug? At what length would you go to in order to get your hands on it? Would you be willing to pay one hundred dollars per month? How about five hundred dollars per month? I would think most people would gladly pay dearly for this wonder drug. However, if you could not afford this drug, I would guess that you would be happy to work two, four or maybe even more hours per week to attain the money needed for this wonder drug. I have been told by many people in our community that “I would do anything or pay anything just so I would stop feeling so sick, tired and in pain”.

I am so amazed and excited about this I want to give you more of the details .The wonder drug that I am talking about would reduce your risk of contracting many chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, many forms of cancer, and Alzheimer’s Disease. It would also help reduce high blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. But wait! There are more benefits that include losing and managing your weight; increased cognitive function and alertness; improved quality of sleep; improved function of your immune system; reduction of anxiety and stress; an increased sense of well being; improved balance; increased muscle density and strength; improved heart and lung functioning; boosting of your stamina and endurance; development of stronger bones; reduce aches and pains; and a reduction of your risks of injuries. Wow, how incredible is this!

Okay, alright I have a confession to make. There is no wonder drug with all of these great benefits about to be released into the market. Don’t get upset because there is even better news. All of these amazing and wonderful benefits are available to you here and now. They can be yours by doing one simple thing, and that thing is exercise. Yes, exercise. What’s even better is that you do not have to do a crazy amount of exercise to achieve these benefits. And no, you do not need to exercise at a feverish pace either. What you will need to do is commit to doing a minimum of 30 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise three to five days per week. Can you believe that anything that takes so little time can reward you with such enormous benefits?

Let me give you a little background on exercise. It just so happens that exercise is relatively new to the human species. Throughout human history people were active 8, 10 or even 15 hours per day. We were hunters, farmers, gatherers, and laborers. Over time our bodies have evolved as a result of this type of movement and we require this movement. We need to move to function at our best. Our body is a machine that is stimulated and recharged by movement. Here is an extreme situation to illustrate my point. Imagine wearing a cast for six to eight weeks. Once you remove the cast from, let’s say your arm, you would notice some very dramatic changes. You would see that the muscles have atrophied and have become much smaller, weaker and flabbier than before. Your bones would also get thin and more brittle. In addition, blood circulation would be diminished. You would lose some coordination and your elbow joint would become stiff. You would also be prone to aches and pains.

Clearly lack of movement, even for a relatively short period of time, can result in very dramatic changes. Now imagine if we reduced the use and movement in our body for years, even decades, what changes will occur. By adopting a sedentary lifestyle, as so many Americans are doing, we slowly and steadily lose our bodies vigor, vitality and resiliency. It’s never too soon to get started moving. What are you waiting for, now let’s go!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Make big changes with one little step at a time

Hello everyone,

As a Wellness educator I often run into people who want to make healthy changes in their life but in reality do not want to do anything different than what they are doing now. A wise man once stated “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome”.

The number one reason why most people never get past the thinking stage of change is that they become overwhelmed by the thought of making to large a change at once. Thinking big can make our goals seem unobtainable and daunting which in turn promotes procrastination.

There is a concept in the behavioral science field called shaping. This is where you break up a large task or behavioral change into small pieces, attacking only one small piece at a time. We have all heard the statements: A tower nine stories high starts with one brick. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This also holds true for losing 20 pounds, starting an exercise program or trying to cut down on junk food.

My number one suggestion is to pick one small change per week that you will work on and do not think about any other changes. Focus on removing one bad behavior that you want to get rid of or adding one good behavior. Over the course of many weeks these small changes will accumulate and add up to a major lifestyle improvement. Example 1; typically you circle the parking lot at work or at a store you are visiting looking for the closest parking spot to the door, instead intentionally park toward the back of the parking lot and briskly walk into the front door. Example 2; you can substitute one unhealthy snack with a healthy one. If you typically snack on a candy bar, bag of potato chips, or a few scoops of B&J you should substitute this with an apple, banana or orange.



Go Primitive to stay healthy and live longer

Last Saturday morning I came down to my family room to find my little dog Spike sun bathing on the floor in front of a large window. My first thought was “how great that looks, we see so little sun here in the winter”. I looked at Spike and he looked back at me with the calmest and most soothing expression, he was clearly in his pleasure zone. Well, for once in a long while I had nowhere to go and nothing pressing to do so, you guessed it, I laid down right next to Spike so I could feel a little of what he was so obviously enjoying. He immediately wiggled up against me and the two of us were in our little piece of heaven. I laid there with no thoughts other than how great this is, sun on my face and body and truly present in the moment, no mental clutter or chatter. How simple and satisfying this was.
This experience reminded me of a segment I caught on the Today show one morning. They were discussing Blue Zones. If you are not familiar with Blue Zones, they are small geographic areas where people are the healthiest and live the longest lives on the planet. In Blue Zones there are more centenarians than anywhere else in the world. But what really stood out for me is the quality in the lives of these elders. It is common to see people in their 80’s, 90’s and even 100’s riding bicycles, cooking for their extended families, tending to their gardens, pretty much acting as if they were 30 to 40 years younger than they actually are.
What makes these Blue Zones so unique? One might think a genetic anomaly is at work here. No, this uniqueness is largely a result of their lifestyles. If I can encapsulate this lifestyle with one word I would describe it with the word Simplicity. However, this is simplicity with only the most admirable of connotations associated with it. The lives of these people are filled with meaningful work, but with low stress, with physical activity that is purposeful and fun, with eating whole fresh unprocessed foods, with connectivity to faith, community and loved ones.
As a Wellness Educator and a Lifestyle Counselor at the YMCA I was struck by the similarities of what I am teaching and the fundamental principles that are helping the people in the Blue Zones live longer, healthier and happier lives. Unfortunately, I often see in the typical American lifestyle what appears to be the complete polar opposite of what we are seeing in these Blue Zones. For example we have so many things vying for our attention, such as nonstop work, cell phones, emails, TV etc. It is no wonder that many of us are feeling an uncomfortably high level of stress and can’t shut our minds down for even a few minutes a day. Our bodies and minds have not evolved to keep up with the rapid changes found in our modern life. We struggle to adapt to the physical, mental and emotional stresses. What these blue zones are showing us is that our bodies and minds are missing what we had when we lived in a more simple and primitive time. It is what our bodies and minds instinctively and subconsciously wants and needs.
Just think of all of the stress that is being created by the present economic climate. I keep wondering if there could be a silver lining and lessons to be learned amongst all of this doom and gloom. With money being tight and everyone feeling the need to cut back, just maybe, the lessons to be learned will be found in the value and the pleasure in the simple things in life. These are things we do not need to spend lots of money and resources on. Things like cooking a dinner together, rediscovering nature by taking a hike, reading a book, giving yourself down time, spending quality time with the ones we love. Now go out and find something that feels good and do it!



How much of each food to eat

I get lots of questions regarding the food guide pyramid and how it relates to how they should be eating. The old food pyramid worked well but the new “My Pyramid” is especially confusing. If you go to this link you will see the old style of the pyramid: Based on the most recent research I would make one change to this pyramid, flip and switch the two bottom layers so that you eat more fruits and veggies than grains (bread, cereal, rice and pasta).

The goal of the food pyramid in the first place is to make sure people eat a balanced cross section of healthy foods to insure good nutrition.

Some people have a hard time keeping track of portion sizes and find it easier to keep track of calories. If this is you, follow this profile for keeping your calories down and your nutrition up.

Overall, here is how your calories should layout:
1) 50 to 60% from carbohydrate; eating mostly complex carbs including whole grains, fruits and veggies
2) 20 to 30% from lean protein
3) 20 to 30% from fats, with no more than 10% from saturated fats.

So for the grains group if you do not eat the specified number of servings of, lets say bread, in a day that is not a problem. You can eat instead some whole grains foods such as cereal, and side dishes such as brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat (kasha and Soba noodles), cous-cous, or whole grain pasta.

Remember, staying healthy and improving your vitality has as much to do about a balanced eating plan as it is about maintaining a healthy weight.

I am going to give you and example of how many calories I should be eating based on my weight and wanting to lose one pound per week. I am 165 pounds.

165 X 12 + 1980 calories need per day to maintain my present weight
1980 – 500 = 1480 calories maximum in order to lose one pound per week
1480 X 0.25 = 370 calories allowed of protein and fat (based on 25% of each)
1480 X 0.50 = 740 calories allowed of carbohydrates (based on 50%)

There are 4 calories per gram of both protein and carbohydrates.
There are 9 calories per gram of fat

To determine how many grams allowed of each food I simple divide the calories allowed by the number of calories per gram.

For protein I should be eating 370/4= 92.5 grams
For fats I should be eating 370/9= 41.1 grams
For carbs I should be eating 740/4= 185 grams



Eat more protein

Hello everyone,

How do you like these temperatures? If you have not been out doing some kind of physical activity what are you waiting for?

I want to tell you more about protein. Lean protein and protein from plant sources can be one of your best friends for keeping hunger at bay. Protein is the most difficult foods for your body to break down and digest. It therefore helps to keep you feeling full longer than any other food you eat, with maybe the exception of bark and twigs (just kidding).

Most Americans are eating too little protein. Lean protein should make up 20 to 30 percent of your calories (see my earlier post on how much of each food to eat). Protein with large amounts of fat should be avoided or eaten in very small quantities. It is a good idea to add a little protein to each meal, besides keeping you feeling fuller longer; it will help to reduce the amount of insulin your pancreas releases from sugars and carbohydrates you eat.

Here is a list that includes proteins to choose most often, choose more often, and choose least often.

Choose most often:
Fish and shellfish, poultry without skin, nuts (watch the calories here), low-fat cheese, fat-free or low-fat milk, fat-free or low-fat yogurt, eggs, split peas, lentils, green peas, all dry beans, soy foods (avoid if you have issues with soy, if in doubt consult your physician), quinoa, buckwheat

Choose more often:
Lean beef, extra-lean ground beef, lean pork, lean ham, lean lamb, Canadian bacon

Choose least often:
Marbled beef, regular ground beef, pork ribs, pork sausage, bacon, bologna, salami, hot dogs, chicken with skin, whole milk, butter, cream, full-fat cheese.


Bean, Beans good for your heart, the more you eat...

Beans, beans they’re good for your heart, the more you eat the more you (you guessed it).

Well, beans are not only good for your heart they are good for every part of your body. In addition, beans are great for losing weight. Beans are high in both soluble fiber (which soaks up cholesterol) and insoluble fiber (which helps with digestion). The magnesium in beans helps to relax your arteries allowing blood to flow more easily and lowering blood pressure. Beans are also found to be outstanding antioxidants getting rid of those nasty free radicals in your body. Beans are filled with complex, good carbohydrates. They will make you feel fuller longer because they contain lots of protein. Wow, sounds like the perfect food! Last but not least beans have lots of Folate (a B vitamin), vitamin A and C as well as iron.
Ok, ok, they can make you fart. The best way to reduce the gaseous effects of beans is to choose canned (they have less of the gas producing carbohydrate than dried) and rinse them a few times. If this does not work than take beano, it really works. Beano is just a natural enzyme that helps digest the gassy stuff in bean.
Some of my favorites are black, cannellini, kidney, chick peas and don’t forget lentils. There are many others. Go experiment!
Beans are not a complete protein, meaning they are missing some of the essential amino acids. You can make them complete by pairing beans up with rice. I would always recommend brown rice, not white.
Here are some ideas,
• Try the recipe I am attaching
• Throw them into salads
• Use them in soup; whole and ground up to thicken them instead of cream
• Purees beans and add almost any spices and herbs that you like to make a great dip and spread (good substitution for mayonnaise)
• Use instead of or in addition to pasta dishes
• Pour Mexican salsa on them and snack away

Progress, not Perfection

Hello everyone,

I love weekends but as we all know this can be the toughest part of the week to keep things going in the right direction. I want to remind all of you that progress will get you there, not perfection. If you have plans to go over your calorie goal you can always budget ahead of time. Try not to only think of this process as one day in isolation. Think about the entire week. If you know you are going out Saturday evening plan on cutting back a little a day or two before in order to “Budget” some calories.

Don’t forget to try and plan a little extra time when you go to the supermarket in order to read labels and compare to find the best calorie bargain.

Remember when you are eating out you do not have as much control as you can have when you prepare and eat at home. In a restaurant, you can have more control than you probably think but never as much as at home. If you are eating out do not feel foolish or embarrassed to ask for something different than what is on the menu. Most restaurants will allow you to modify your order. Such things as substituting a second veggie or a salad for a starch, get dressing on the side. If you are going for the potato, hold back on the extras, sour cream, butter, that is where the majority of calories come from.

Take the time to explore and experiment with cooking some new things this weekend. Cooking is such a great hobby. In these times when everyone is cutting back on spending cooking is a great way to have some fun prepare and eat a great meal and save some dough all at the same time. Go find a good cook book or go on line to find some great healthy recipes.

Have a great weekend and plan some fun time,
