Friday, August 14, 2009

You are What you Think

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."

Willie Nelson

The phrase above reminds me how important it is to think positive thoughts. It has been shown that you become what you think. This is true if your thoughts are positive or negative. You might have heard of the “law of positive attraction”. It is amazing how this works. There is no magic or mystery to this concept it is purely about if you think positively you will start to act in a more optimistic way attracting other positive things in your life. On the other hand if you think negatively you will no doubt attract an equal amount of negativity in your life, especially negative people.

I hear from many folks that they just can not stop thinking in a negative way. The fact is, just as you chose the clothes that you wear in the morning you can choose the thoughts that you have. When you sense negative thoughts floating into your head just push them out with positive ones. Like most things that require a change it does take some time and practice. With repetition and time you will find this will become easier and easier.

Now just put a smile on your face and give it a try. It will feel very good.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this post! It is such and important, and simple (yes, really!) concept. However, we struggle so to learn it. We need this woven into messages on a continual basis. :-)
