Thursday, September 10, 2009

More on Cravings vs. Hunger

I hear from many folks that when they are trying to lose weight the often feel hungry. The fact is that many times you are not feeling hungry but only getting a craving. I wanted to tell you a great way to differential between hunger and cravings. If you think you are feeling hungry and want to chomp down on some cookies or chocolate this may in fact be just a craving for something sweet. Instead think about eating a piece of steak. If this steak does not feel as appealing and you would rather just not go for it than you are truly just having a craving for something sweat and are not really hungry. If it was true hunger that you were feeling than the steak would have appealed to you as much as the chocolate bar.

Remember, cravings are transient and only last about 20 minutes. If you can get past the 20 minutes you’ve got it made. Find something to do to distract yourself, make a phone call, take a walk or chew some gum.


1 comment:

  1. Very thoughtfull post on wellness. It should be very much helpfull

    Karim - Creating Power
